Wednesday, 20 July 2011

so what's been going on?

It's finally made the international news and people are noticing what has been going on here in Malawi.

After being boxed in all day we grew restless and decided to see for ourselves what was going on in town. We drove through an alarmingly deserted city centre; shops are shut, very few cars on the roads and even more extraordinarily there aren't many people on the streets. It felt a bit like driving through a ghost town in a Western movie....

We caught up with some friends to hear their experiences, and they had actually cycled through the worst affected areas earlier on and not been affected. The violence has been coming mostly from thugs (from both sides) targetted at one another.

We eventually ran into the march, which may seem intimidating but despite the heavily armed guards and the mob mentality, it was relatively peaceful. It's been quite a day, but putting the blog to bed just now...


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